
A github tree viewer when your repo isn't on Github (or even if it is). This project lives here on GitHub.

molybdenum screenshot

This is a node.js server that provides a web-browsable view of your git repos and a JSON REST API. Basically, you setup post-receive hooks for notifying Molybdenum of your repo pushes and that's it.

Currently basic repo browsing (somewhat Github-esque) is supported and integration with Jira for adding ticket comments for pushes referencing Jira tickets.

We're using this internally at Joyent.

WARNING: Unfortunately, right now I don't have bandwidth to support this well for others. I'm scratching a personal itch here, and a significant chunk of hacking and duct tape is involved. Also, this is significantly under-documented.

HTML Endpoints

TODO: document and name these

GET /:repo

GET /:repo/tree/:ref/:path

GET /:repo/blob/:ref/:path

GET /:repo/raw/:ref/:path

GET /:repo/commit/:id

GET /:repo/commits/:ref

Repository API

GET /api/repos

List all repositories currently in the molybdenum server.

example request

curl {{ url }}/api/repos

example response

  "repositories": [
      "name": "eol",
      "url": "",
      "dir": "/data/molybdenum/repos/eol.git",
      // Note: The following are internal. Will probably be removed.
      "isCloned": true,
      "isFetchPending": false,
      "numActiveFetches": 0,

POST /api/repos

Let the server know about a new push to a repo. The request body must be a JSON object of the following form (compatible with the Github URL post-receive hook JSON format

  "repository": {
    "url": $git_clone_url,
    "name": $name

example request

echo '{
    "repository": {
        "url": "",
        "name": "cool-product"
}' | curl {{ url }}/api/repos -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @-

successful response

Status: 200

  "repository": {
    "name": "cool-product",
    "url": "",
    "isCloned": false,
    "isFetchPending": true

GET /api/repos/:repo

Return info on all current repositories in the molybdenum server.

example request

curl {{ url }}/api/repos/eol

example response

  "repository": {
    "name": "eol",
    "url": "",
    "dir": "/data/molybdenum/repos/eol.git",

failure response

Status: 404

  "error": {
    "message": "no such repo: 'asdf'",
    "code": 404

DELETE /api/repos/:repo

GET /api/repos/:repo/commits/:branch



GET /api/repos/:repo/commit/:commitish-or-ref

GET /api/repos/:repo/refs

GET /api/repos/:repo/refs/:ref[/:path]

GET /api/commit/:id

  "commit": {
    "id": "50c3c7295d473e42adaf14f4e6f12df5c18a6e01",
    "message": "slight adding to Tim's test case for html5 block tags\n",
    "author": {
      "name": "Trent Mick",
      "email": "",
      "time": "2011-03-23T04:48:40.000Z",
      "timeOffset": -420
    "committer": {
      "name": "Trent Mick",
      "email": "",
      "time": "2011-03-23T04:48:40.000Z",
      "timeOffset": -420
    "parents": [
    "tree": "16c95e7f8d2006871c34d9e8e716b4d0048eb165"
  "repository": {
    "name": "markdown2",
    "url": "",
    "isCloned": true,
    "isFetchPending": false

Miscellaneous API

GET /api

Return this HTML documentation or a JSON representation of the API, depending on the request "Accept" header.

example JSON response

  "endpoints": [
  "version": "1.0.0"


A Molybdenum server (node app.js) always loads a default config (at INSTALLDIR/default-config/molybdenum.json) and optionally a given configuration JSON file passed in via the -c|--config PATH command-line switch or via the MOLYBDENUM_CONFIG envvar.

namestringName of this instance. Used in the UI. Default "Molybdenum".
protocolstring"http" or "https". Default "http".
hoststringHost IP on which to listen. Default "".
portstringPort on which to listen. Default "3333".
httpRedirectstringOptionally set 'httpRedirect' to a URL to which to redirect any requests to http port 80. This will only run when the primary server is configured to run on https port 443. The idea is to provide a nice redirect from, say, "*" to "" for the first time user not having to explicitly remember the "https://" prefix in their browser.
dataDirstringDir in which to store all repo data. Relative path to the current working dir.
pidFilestringOptional. Can be set to create a PID file. Path is relative to the cwd when started.
adminNamestringAdministrator name used in admin error emails. Also see authAdminName below. Default "Your Molybdenum Administrator".
adminEmailstringOptional. Administrator email address to use for admin error emails.
authMethodstringOne of "public" (everything is public, no authentication is done), "static" (uses static JSON describing all user credentials, should only use this for testing), "ldap" (uses LDAP authentication), "sdccapi" (uses a Joyent SmartDataCenter CAPI). See related "auth${Name}*" variables for each method.
authPublicAnonymousUserobjectJSON to be return as the fallback user for all auth'd endpoints. Default is {"login": "guest"}. If this setting is empty or not given, Molybdenum will attempt to get user info from the "X-Authorized-User" header (e.g. set by upstream proxy, expected to be JSON).
authStaticFilestringPath (relative to this config file) to JSON file that looks like: [{"login": "guest", "password": "guest", "uuid": "4159832a-a5cd-1848-93cd-3cd89fa97000"}, ...]
authLdapUrlstringThe LDAP URL to which to bind. E.g. "ldaps://". Note: LDAP over SSL is supported, but not TLS (see
authLdapAdminDnstringThe Admin DN.
authLdapAdminPasswordstringThe Admin DN's password.
authLdapSearchBasestringThe base DN to search for users/accounts.
authLdapSearchFilterstringE.g. '(uid={{username}})'
authLdapUsernameFieldstringLDAP record field used for the username/login. Optional.
authAuthorizedUsersarrayAn list of authenticated users to which to allow access. Each "user" can be a username/login string or a uuid. If not specified or empty then all authenticated users are allowed access.
navLinksarrayList of links to place in the top-right Molybdenum nav bar. Each array element is {"name": <link name>, "href": <link url>}. E.g.: {"name": "Bugs", "href": ""}. You can use {{navLinksRepo}} in these values for the repo name on repo pages.
searchFormobjectYou can add a search form to the top-right navbar of Molybdenum pages. E.g. {"name": "OpenGrok", "href": "/source", "q": "q", "hidden": {"project": "{{searchFormRepo}}"}}. "name" (required) is placeholder text. "href" (required) is the URL at which to search. "q" is the query param name for the search (i.e. the search text field name). "hidden" is a list of hidden form fields: e.g. [{"name": "project", "value": "{{searchFormRepo}}"}] The hidden "value" can be the special "{{searchFormRepo}}" template var which evaluates to the name of the repo for the current page (e.g. "eol" on the "/eol/tree/master" page).
postFetchHooksarrayArray of post-fetch hooks. These are either a hook name (for built-in hooks that ship with Molybdenum) or the full path to a separately installed post-fetch hook. For example: ["jira", "/home/mo/hooks/my-custom-post-fetch-hook"]. See 'Post-Fetch Hooks' below.

Post-Fetch Hooks

Molybdenum supports a list of hooks to run for each repo fetch (see "postFetchHooks" config var above.) These are either a built-in hook -- i.e. that ships with Molybdenum -- or the full path to a separately installed post-fetch hook script. The built-in hooks are all at "tools/${NAME}-post-fetch-hook".

Each post-fetch hook is called for each branch/revision-range fetched whenever a repo is updated. They are called with the same signature as a regular git post-receive hook:

.../foo-post-fetch-hook OLDREV NEWREV REFNAME

with the addition that the "MOLYBDENUM_CONFIG" and "CONFIG" envvars are set to the full path to the Molybdenum ini config file. This allows a post-fetch script to get configuration info. For example:

CONFIG=/home/mo/config/molybdenum.ini \
    MOLYBDENUM_CONFIG=/home/mo/config/molybdenum.ini \
    /home/mo/hooks/my-custom-post-fetch-hook ea8d8c5 8d83628 refs/heads/master

By convention a post-fetch hook needing config info should use a ${name}PostFetchHook section in the JSON config file. E.g.:

  "postFetchHooks": "/home/mo/hooks/my-custom-post-fetch-hook",
  "myCustomPostFetchHook": {
    "foo": "bar",

Jira built-in post-fetch hook

This is a post-fetch hook to add a comment describing a commit to a Jira ticket if that ticket id (e.g. "PROJECTA-42") is mentioned in the commit message.

An example configuration block:

"jiraPostFetchHook": {
    // Required fields.
    "moUrl": "",
    "jiraUrl": "",
    "jiraCredentials": "BOTACCOUNT:BOTPASSWORD",
    "jiraProjects": ["PROJECTA", "PROJECTB"],

    // Optional fields.

    // If true, just go through motions without actually adding Jira comments.
    "dryRun": true                  // Default: false.
    "git": "/opt/local/bin/git",    // Default: `git` from PATH.
    "admin": "Trent"                // Default: `adminName` from top-level config.

    // DEPRECATED. Will be removed. Use the whitelist/blacklist below.
    // A boolean that tells the hook to NOT process commits to branches
    // that are named after a ticket. E.g. "PROJECTA-123". The idea here
    // is that these are very likely short-lived feature brances that
    // will be merged into a mainstream branch when complete.
    "ignoreTicketBranches": true    // Default: false.

    // A whitelist/blacklist for controlling which branches this hook
    // will ignore.
    // - both empty: process all  (the default)
    // - whitelist = ['*/master'], blacklist = []: only master branches
    //   in all repos
    // - whitelist = ['*/master', '*/release-*', 'public-web-client/jpc'],
    //   blacklist = ['blarg/release-*']: all master branches, all
    //   'release-*' branches except for 'blarg' repo, the 'jpc' branch
    //   in the 'public-web-client' repo
    "branchWhitelist": [],
    "branchBlacklist": [],