off to FSOSS
I'm off to FSSOS in a few hours. We'll be opening up the Komodo sources next Wednesday, so Shane and I will be there to start the discussion about what Open Komodo and Snapdragon should focus on to best improve the tool story for open web development. (Currently the Open Komodo sources are available to a small group of mozillians. If you have some ideas and would like to take a peek, let me know and I'll hook you up!)
I'm hoping to meet a few of the Mozilla folks that will be there: Benjamin to ask about breakpad (I want to get breakpad running for Open Komodo and Komodo builds), looking forward to Mike Beltzner's talk on UE design at Mozilla, Eric Shephed to ask about how mozilla handles localization of their docs.
As well, if any of the mozilla folks involved in the AUS will be there, I'd love to talk with you to compare notes with Komodo's auto-update system.